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Are you ready to save money?

Savings start on Day 1 of installing a properly designed Photovoltaic (PV) solar system. With the current Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit, most owners’ complete install price is reduced by a massive 26%, meaning your return on investment is felt immediately.

Say, “Goodbye” to your SDG&E bill and, “Hello” to happier days. You can expect a 5-7 year return-on-investment when paying cash, or a 40-50% reduction in your monthly payment when financed, compared to your regular electric bill, which will essentially be done away with.

Learn why solar is a smart investment.


Take control of your
energy consumption.

Increase your
home’s equity.


Take back control
of your money.

All while living

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Brighter Homes. Bigger Smiles.

SolHome. Smart clean living.

Enphase Solar Storage equipment

Over one million installs.
The bright alternative is here.
Solar power is smart power.

Meet Enphase, the all-in-one smart energy system.

Logo of Enphase

• Safe

• Smart

• Supported

• Powerful

• Protected

• Reliable

• Certified

Third generation storage technology
without dangerous, high voltage electricity.

Enphase units
solar panels on a roof
Solar storage equipments
Solar storage equipment


Our batteries are created with the safest residential battery chemistry available. It’s what we would put in our own homes.


Start small, go big, or grow over time – with locally supported Enphase storage, you’re in control of your energy, and that’s a powerful thing. Whether you want to manage your entire system from a single app or leave it on autopilot using Storm Guard, the power is in your hands.

Not sure where to start?

Storm Guard automatically prioritizes the storage of energy when severe storms are detected that have the potential to leave you without power. Collectively, our products undergo one million hours of reliability testing, but we still designed a fail-safe system. In the unlikely event of a microinverter failure, the remaining microinverters keep the backup power safely running. It’s like a backup for your backup.
When the grid fails, we want to make sure you’re ready. That’s why we designed a battery without moving parts. One less thing that can break.
Expect a turn-key process from permits and plans to complete installation with a full analysis on electrical usage. Your personal experience includes the latest technology (such as fiber optic communication) building custom panel level monitoring, which you access through your app. A certified, professional electrician will always be on crew, and SolHome is dedicated to our After Care Warranty Crew, building a 25-year relationship with you.
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